KUALA SELANGOR, JUNE 19: The Kuala Selangor District Council (MDKS) continued its tradition of giving ‘duit raya’ to 13 orphaned children of its employees recently.
MDKS Yang DiPertua, Mohd Azhar Mohamed Ali said, it is hoped that the contribution can help them to make preparations ahead of Syawal which is this weekend.
“This ceremony is MDKS’s platform to share some happiness and smiles of cheer with the orphans during Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
“It is also a sign of MDKS’s concern of the children of its employees who are less fortunate and to also strengthen the bond between employer and employee,” he said during the Contribution Ceremony at the MDKS Quarters recently.
Besides handing over donations, MDKS also held a Break Fast Ceremony with its employees, Khatam al-quran Ceremony and religious sermon.
Earlier, Mohd Azhar also led the Program Ziarah Ramadan, visiting employees who are facing health problems.