SHAH ALAM, 31 Aug: Concern about the people practiced by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) government will continue to get the mandate if the policy adopted is maintained.
The former Chief Editor of Utusan Melayu, Said Zahari, said that Pakatan also could lead the Federal administration if they continue to carry the people’s aspirations and strengthen relations between the parties in the consensus.
Said, who led the Utusan Strike in 1961, is convinced that the current political situation may allow Pakatan to compete with the existing government by streamlining the coalition.
“I believe that if the Selangor Pakatan government slips from the main purpose and no longer prioritises the interests of the people, they will certainly be shunned. Especially if Pakatan cannot unite their struggles.
“However, the current government is seen as using power, the ISA power, because it is most effective in scaring the people to not support the opposition.
“I believe that what the opposition wants will be achieved as long as they approach and prioritise the people,” said Said during an interview with Selangor Kini at his child’s residence recently.
He said that the move to table the freedom of information Bill at the Selangor State Assembly for the purpose of giving the people freedom to information should also be commended.
“Any government should be transparent in giving information to the people who voted for them in the elections,” he said.