Cub Prix: Indigenous racer from Banting struggling to find sponsors

SHAH ALAM, 14 May: OA Racing Team which is represented by riders from Selangor are struggling to find sponsors despite faring well in the Pro-AM Petronas AAM Malaysian Cubprix Championship 2015 in Temerloh in March.

Represented by an indigenous race from Kampung Bukit Tadom, Banting, Azrul Affendi Hadi dominated in the first round but did not compete in the next round due to financial problems.

In fact, his manager, Hadi Anak Jembik, had to borrow RM30,000 to ensure that his team participated in the third round in Muar, Johor, early last month.

“In Muar, Azrul fell in the free practice round and broke his shoulder, but his spirit was strong to compete and continue the race even though I did not allow it.

“Azrul came in fourth in the round in Muar. We will take part in Kuala Terengganu on May 22 and hope to be on the podium to collect points to chase the overall lead,” he said.


Speaking to Selangor Kini, Hadi hopes that someone would offer a sponsorship as he has used his salary to pay for the fourth round of the race.

Although Azrul has the potential of becoming the overall winner, he said that he fears that financial problems will put a stop to his existing opportunities.

“He is talented, but if he has to pull himself out of many rounds, the opportunity to earn points will be affected. The chance to be champion would just slip away,” he said.

At the moment, Azrul is in third with 38 overall point collection with seven rounds remaining to finish in the 2015 championship season.


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