YB Activities: Affectionate Visitations, MES Active in Gombak Setia

GOMBAK, 10 Jan: Affectionate visitations, including delivering Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) assistance is being actively carried out in the Gombak Setia State Legislative Assembly (DUN), with an estimated of over 200 people having received it since June.

The Gombak Setia DUN Service Centre media Officer, Mohd Ridhuan Che Husin, said that the welfare programme will be held every Friday, where the Assemblyman, Hasbullah Ridzwan, will go down to the field to meet with local residents.

He said that participants eligible to receive the assistance was based on a list of names registered under the MES programme as well as recommendations from village chiefs.


“We have been holding this programme from early in the morning until noon, where the Assemblyman himself will present the assistance to qualified individuals.

“This assistance is not restricted to participants of MES, but it is also given out to those in need, such as the disabled, victims of fire and single mothers,” he said when met by Selangor Kini today.

Earlier, Hasbullah, together with the Gombak Setia DUN Service Centre staff, presented the Senior Citizens Scheme (SMUE), amounting to RM1000, to over five beneficiaries of participants registered under the programme.

Apart from presenting the MES assistance, he also took time to visit the disabled to present personal assistance.


SMUE is one of the agendas under the MES (Phase 1) agenda implemented by the Selangor Government since it first took over the reins of the state’s administration in March 2008.

The SMUE is aimed at reducing the burden of beneficiaries in matters related to the deceased, such as paying for funeral expenses and burial, as well as to settle debts of the deceased or other such matters.

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