Public Funds Should Be Invested On Education, Not Submarines

BANDAR TUN RAZAK, 16 Dec: All states should emulate the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) led state that spends public funds on programmes that really benefits the people and not on the basis of only benefiting a handful of individuals.

For example, said Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, the Selangor Government has invested in the education sector through provision of funds to national-type schools, religious schools and gifts to students who have recently entered university.

“We should increase allocations for education instead of spending plenty of the people’s money to buy submarines.

“We have to fight with education not weapons.We have to compete with experts who have been trained by the country,” he added.

Yesterday, the State Government also helped youths from low-income groups to bear the cost of their wedding ceremony by having a feast (kenduri) and a mass enthronement celebration that included 61 couples.

“Lately, wedding costs have been increasing and this has resulted in many youths incurring debts to bear the cost.

“Thus, the Selangor Government under Pakatan Rakyat has many programmes to help the people.

“Currently, they (Selangor Government) are helping young adults who want to get married by having a mass wedding (ceremony),” the Bandar Tun Razak MP added.

Meanwhile, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid also donated school equipment for the school session at the Bandar Tun Razak Parliament level.

As many as 200 less fortunate students received the aforementioned contributions which included school bags and stationery.

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