CM: Assessment Tax Set by the Ministry of Finance Not Local Authorities


SHAH ALAM, 18 Dec: The increase in assessment tax and business licence process is not determined by the Local Authorities (PBT) in Selangor but it is set by the Department of Property Assessment (JPPH) and the Ministry of Finance, said Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

“It is not up to 10 times. Zin is not good at counting. This matter is not made by PBT officers at liberty, but there are laws. It is based on the current value of the land and not made by MBSA or other Local Authorities. It is set by JPPH from the finance ministry.

“They determine the value and we cannot change the value, so do not blame the local authorities.

“All parties should understand the value of properties in the Klang Valley are high, coupled with higher domestic investment compared to other states, it is not impossible for them to raise the taxes,” he said when commenting on Selangor BN coordinator, Datuk Seri Mohd Zin who claims that there will be an increase in assessment of up to 10 times in Kampung Sungai Buloh and Kampung Baru as well as other places starting next year.

Abdul Khalid also informed that the State Government will meet with the Shah Alam City Council (MBSA) and parties involved on the issue of the increase of assessment tax and business licences in January.

The Chief Minister said that after the meeting, his party will hold an information session on the tax increase, how the process will be carried out and finally the result of the discussions.

“So far we have done it transparently. The way we calculate it is transparent and we can make some temporary cuts until the increase in cost is finalised,” he said in a media session after officiating the Artists Love Islam Assembly (HIAS).

Also present were the Deputy Director of the State Islamic Religious Department, Ahmad Zaki Arshad and Standing Committee of Education, Higher Education and Human Capital Development Exco, Dr Halimah Ali.

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