Demolition of Hindu Alter in Sepang Does Not Signify the Selangor Government Policy


SHAH ALAM, 17 Dec: Since taking over the state administration in 2008, more than 20 non-Islamic places of worship have been built in Selangor.

The construction of all those houses of worship have obtained approval from the State Government and has been completed and used without any problems.

In relation to that, State Executive Councillor, Dr. Xavier Jayakumar clarified that the issue of an alter being demolished in Sepang recently is not an action that symbolises the State Government’s policies.

“If such religious places are built with the knowledge of the State Government, I do not think that any problems would arise as long as they comply with policies and guidelines given.

“However, if it is built without out knowledge (State Government) and then face problems, we need time to carefully analyse various aspects of any action,” said Xavier who is also the Sri Andalas Assemblyman.

Previously, it was reported that 30 officers from the Sepang Municipal Council (MPSp) had demolished an alter that was built in the compound of a house in Taman Seroja, Bandar Baru Salak Tinggi.

The action was condemned by the Hindu community saying that the MPSp officers should have not have acted in that manner.

Dr. Xavier said that the matter will be discussed in State Government Meeting next week.

“The State Economic Planning Unit (UPEN) has the full report which will be presented.

“This report is important so that we can assess whether there were any legal violations that occurred apart from us having to be fair in coming to a decision.

“We will review and decide whether actions should be taken or not as well as (different) forms of actions, if any,” he added.

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