The People are Proud to Have a Caring and Compassionate Sultan

KLANG, 11 Dec: The people of Selangor who were met exuded their feelings of being fortunate for having a Sultan who cares about the people’s problems, is compassionate and is committed in developing sports of this state.

This admiration was voiced by the people of Selangor who were met during the Royal Tea With the People Reception in conjunction with the 67th Birthday of His Royal Highness the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Idris Shah Sharafuddin.

According to the Tok Batin of Pulau Indah’s Indigenous People, Intan Anak Pendek, 60, the Sultan is a person whom the people can complain their problems to, making him the umbrella to the people.

He said that the Sultan also has placed great emphasis on the development of Indigenous People in the state.

“This Sultan is very good and attentive to his people and regularly meets with the various communities,” he said.

For the Kampung Setia Jaya JKKK Secretary, Nik Li Mohammad, 42, the Selangor Sultan is a leader who is not awkward in meeting the people from different walks of life and also ranks.

“We see His Royal Highness the Sultan being very friendly with small children and children.

“With this, the love between the people and the Sultan will be more profound,” he said.

Meanwhile, Selangor Football player, Mohd Amri Yahya, 31, said that the Sultan of Selangor is committed to the development of sports, in particular the development of football that he had built a gallery for football.

“He is a Sultan who is attentive to his people and is concerned with the state’s administrative affairs,” he said.

Sharifah Rodziah Saiah, 46, added that His Royal Highness the Sultan is very approachable by the people and is also very caring.

She said that the Sultan who is also the State’s Head of Religion is very concerned about the development of Islam for the sake of future generations to come.

“He’s very good with his people,” she said.

The ceremony was held at the Padang Mahkota, Shah Alam Klang Palace here with the presence of about 10,000 people of all races and was also attended by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, members of the State Executive Council and Selangor Assemblymen and Assemblywomen.

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