Deepak Personally Submitted RM13 Million Jewelry Purchase Documents


PETALING JAYA, 3 Jan: Disclosure of documents showing the purchase of jewelry worth RM13 million claiming to be for the Prime Minister’s wife Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor is authentic and was personally handed over by carpet dealer, Deepak Jaikishan.

PKR Strategy Director, Radizi Ramli, in a press conference today said that Deepak had submitted all documents to a particular individual who contacted him previously in hopes that it would be taken up to PKR leaders.

According to Rafizi, the documents were then handed to him by that individual, who is also a PKR leader, to be checked and to confirm its validity.

“I did not take any action because I was of the opinion that it did not posses elements of public interest in the event of someone splurging in giving gifts to VIPs without evidence of favours or projects involved.

“Following the action of Boustead Holdings Berhad in announcing that they will be paying RM160 million to buy land owned by Deepak’s company and land from Awan Megah Sdn Bhd, I am of the opinion that it opens a whole new dimension that Deepak’s previous claims are associated with public interest.

“After inspecting the documents and additional information, I am certain that is has sound basis to be investigated by the authorities,” he told reporters this morning at the PKR headquarters here.

In accordance to that, he said, Deepak’s statement should be made evidence in the upcoming investigations by the authorities seeing that the documents involve his own company and business transactions.

Rafizi added that he also has received agreement from the individual who received the documents to prove that it was obtained from Deepak.

“This clearly proves that Deepak’s mannerism and behaviour before this is not closely related to PKR.

“It denies Umno-BN’s attempt of accusing this to be dictated by PKR. In fact, Deepak himself expresses his disappointment because PKR leadership was seen as reluctant to discuss with him.

“Therefore,, after holding discussions with party leaders, I met with Deepak to examine all evidence in his possession, as claimed previously,” he said.

Yesterday, Rafizi revealed the documents which he claimed to be proof of jewelry purchase, by Deepak’s company, from two companies in Hong Kong.

Among the documents revealed by Rafizi were invoice e-mails of diamond purchases from Dehres Limited and Firestone Co. Ltd and the payment slips through two banks.

Other documents showed transactions worth USD 3.9 million (RM 11.8 million) for the purchase of rings and earrings from Firestone Co. Ltd..

All jewelry was paid by Deepak’s two companies, Carpet Raya Sdn Bhd and Carpet Plus Sdn Bhd within the time span of three months from March to May 2009, after Datuk Seri Najib Razak became Prime Minister.

However, in some reports yesterday, Deepak denies buying the jewelry.

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