Distributing Bibles:Latest Racist Incitement To Divert The People’s Attention


SHAH ALAM, 20 JAN: Claims that there have been attempts to distribute Bibles to Muslim students in Penang is the latest racist incitement to divert the people’s attention, claims Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad.

Khalid asked for the people to not be influenced by racial incitement which is now being fanned by some unscrupulous people.

Khalid stressed that the matter was ridiculous and is an evil slander used to provoke anger of Muslims after the issue of the ‘Allah’ word.

“If such things did happen, why only take a video and not arrest the offender?

“Just capture the offender because the act is already against the law and the constitution. Why not hand the offender to the police? Why just upload it (the video) on YouTube and Facebook?

“As citizens, do not be easily fooled by Umno-BN. They are desperate and are trapped, therefore they will do all sorts of things,” he said yesterday in a speech at the People’s Independence Programme here at Section 17.

He added that Umno-BN is deliberately bringing up other racial issues after the ‘Allah’ word issue and Haji Hadi messages were ineffective.

Recently, there have been allegations that Bibles have been distributed to Muslim students. It is believed to have been distributed by two men in front of a secondary school in Jelutong, Penang.

The men who were dressed smartly were distributing the Bibles to about 50 students including Muslim students who were entering and leaving school during the morning and afternoon school session change.

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