PR Will Bring Back Malaysian Experts From Overseas


KAJANG, 19 JAN: Pakatan Rakyat (PR) will be more successful in bringing home Malaysian experts who are now working abroad to serve in Malaysia compared to Umno-BN.

According to PKR Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, PR will be more successful compared to efforts by Umno-BN, which are less well-received, because it provides opportunities for people who are qualified.

This approach is different from Umno-BN, Anwar said, that practised the attitude of prioritising cronies in the awarding of contracts or work with the Government.

Anwar explained in the programme “Dialogue with Anwar Ibrahim” here that the children of Malaysia should be given the opportunity with worthwhile offers to prove their ability to drive the development of the country to be more competitive.

This action will in turn be able to improve various high technology sectors which are facing stiff competition for a place in the market.

“Previously (during the Mahathir era) we were too obsessed with (physical) development and not software development.

“We should have provided training from experts like in India.

“With our existing capabilities, we will invite back people who are working oversees for example two or three individuals (Malaysians) whom we know and are working in California and are still in contact with, to train Malaysians.

“Give them a worthwhile offer, (and) we can fix the system,” he said.

Anwar added that National Judiciary institutions need to be improved and strengthened so that investors are confident in placing their money in Malaysia.

“Investment competition policies must be competitive. The Government needs to be clean.

“Restoration of the judiciary has the ability to bring economic growth,” he added.

The dialogue organised by the Anwar Ibrahim Supporters Club (AIC) was attended by nearly 300 individuals and took place at the Oriental Crystal Hotel.

The audience was given the space to directly ask Anwar questions regarding PR policies and current developments on the direction of the country.

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