Respect Keng Yaik’s Contributions, Allow Water Industry Restructuring


SHAH ALAM, 3 Jan: The Federal Government should respect the efforts of the late Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik as a leader who has contributed a lot to the development of the country and allow restructuring of the water industry in Selangor.

Furthermore, the late Keng Yaik played an important role by reviewing the privatisation policy of the Federal Government water service which can be seen as not favouring the people’s interests, said Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim.

“The State Government is committed and working hard to continue his efforts of wanting to revise the water services industry by implementing the requirements of WSIA, as championed by the late Tun Dr Keng Yaik,” said Abdul Khalid in a statement at the Selangor Chief Minister’s Press Secretariat.

In relation to that, the State Government has urged the Federal Government to take serious action in implementing the restructuring of the water industry.

“The Federal Government should honour the efforts of the late Dr Lim to restore the water rights to the people and to allow the Selangor Government to manage the water services for the well-being of the people in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya.

“Datuk Seri Peter Chin Kah Fui should shoulder this responsibility in accordance with the powers available to him according to WSIA,” added Abdul Khalid.

The late Keng Yaik was the Cabinet Minister responsible for introducing the Water Services Industry Act 2006 (WSIA) which returns the water rights to the state government.

“He has previously led different ministries such as the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities as well as the Ministry of Energy, Water and Communications.

“However, he always worked hard by researching and making preparations so that every decision made is relevant to current changes,” said Abdul Khalid who was unable to pay last respects to Keng Yaik as he is currently overseas.

However, the Chief Minister managed to visit the late Keng Yaik’s family as a sign a sign of last respect.

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