Federal Government Not Interested In Solving Water Restructuring Problem


SHAH ALAM, FEB 20: The Selangor PKR Youth Wing (AMK – Angkatan Muda Keadilan) commended the brave decision made by the Selangor State Government to take the next step after the 14-day offer period for the takeover of the water industry ended.

AMK leader, Azmizam Zaman Huri said that the Central Government’s attitude of keeping silent about the letter of offer to takeover all four concessionaires currently managing water can be seen as them being uninterested in solving the water restructuring problem.

“The Central Government, through the Ministry of Energy, Green Technology and Water, should take more accurate measures regarding this issue.

“And to not treat water as a cheap political ploy to win back Selangor,” said Azmizam in his media statement.

Azmizam said that using the services of concessionaires that do not have expertise in the water industry has cause the people to receive unsatisfactory service such as water supply disruptions as well as an unreasonably high water tariff.

“Accusations saying that the State Government has full authority over (Selangor Water Supply Company) Syabas is superficial because the State Government only has a 30 percent stake in the company.

“The largest shareholder is Puncak Niaga and the Ministry of Finance is the shareholder of the golden share, and this gives them the power to make decisions as stipulated in the Water Services Industry Act,” he said.

He stressed that the people’s interest should be at the forefront of any overlapping issues experienced between the state and federal (government) where is it clear that the State Government is seen as being ahead in safeguarding the welfare of the people.

“AMK Selangor stands firmly behind the Selangor State Government on any good policies designed for the people.

“And we will participate in the series of tours to explain the water issue which has been long manipulated by irresponsible quarters,” he said.

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