State Government Attentive Towards Comedian Datuk Yahya Sulung’s Fate


KUALA LUMPUR, 5 FEB: The State Government contributed RM4,000 to veteran comedian, Datuk Yahya Sulung, who is currently admitted in the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (HKL), as well as to the Selangor Lawn Bowl Association Secretary, Hamzah Sajadi, who is currently admitted at the Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital (HTAR) in Klang Selangor.

This contribution is on the Selangor Government’s social responsibility policy regarding health issues.

Yahya, 84, is suffering from asthma and lung problems while Hamzah was wounded and slipped into a coma after being involved in a road accident on 20 January when the car he was driving was hit by a lorry.

The accident also killed Hamzah’s wife, Siti Hamidah Masnan, 50. His daughter, Siti Amalina, 15, was injured and admitted to HTAR.

Welfare, Women’s Affairs, Science, Technology, Innovation and Culture Exco, Rodziah Ismail said that the State Government has decided to channel the assistance in December last year and that it is an effort to help those in need, regardless if they are Selangor citizens.

“The Selangor Government today donated RM2,000 to ensure that their needs are met. The value of the money is not the issue, just the attentiveness. We are also indirectly discussing is there are other needs which can be provided (by the Selangor Government),” she said after a visit to HKL.

She said that the State Government and the people of Selangor pray that these two patients get well and for them to go back to their daily living.

Meanwhile, Hamzah’s second child, Faid, 26, said that he and his family are saddened by the incident that befell their family, especially the loss of their mother.

“My siblings and I are together, looking after our father and sister who are currently undergoing treatment at the hospital. I have also quit my job to enable me to carry out this responsibility.

“We are grateful for the contribution given by the State Government, which is attentive to what has happened to our family,” he said.


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