More Than RM2 Million For Road And Drain Reparations In Klang


SHAH ALAM, 15 Mar: The State Government has allocated more than RM2 million since year 2011 for upgrading projects and to maintain roads as well as drains in the Klang area.

Local Government, Research and Development Exco, Ronnie Liu said that the maintenance works utilises funds from the Malaysian Road Records Information System (Marris) Trust Fund and full provisions of Assemblymen.

He added that most of the roads in Pandamaran have also been paved, in fact all complaints received from the local residents have also been resolved gradually.

“Not only did we maintain the roads, but the drains have also been maintained well by the Local Authorities (PBT). The State Government has already allocated a lot of funds for these reparation works.

“In fact, for this year alone, RM1 million has been allocated, and this does not include provisions from the Klang Municipal Council (MPK). We have the record of tenders, quotations and so on,” he said when contacted by TV Selangor.

In the meantime, Ronnie also said that allegations saying that the Selangor Local Authorities have failed in fulfilling their promise to maintain roads is characterised as a deliberate political farce played by Umno-BN, especially when the 13th General Elections (GE-13) are drawing near.

He stressed that this is a common for Umno-BN to deliberately raise various speculations to tarnish the image of the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat (PR) Government.

On the claim that roads have not been paved in Taman Tengku Bendahara Azman in Pandamaran, Ronnie insists that it is still in the pipeline and will be repaired in the nearest future.

“This is a common tactic by Umno-BN, seeing that they have never carried out any action in the area. In fact, they will not admit if the Selangor PR Government makes any improvement, whether in Klang or other areas.

“The fact of the matter is that the roads under the Public Works Department (JKR) have yet to be maintained. No matter how many times we make complaints, they have never taken any action, but they make excuses that JKR does not have the funds,” he added.

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