Najib Flip-Flops, Insincere in Completing CAR Project


SELAYANG, 30 Apr: The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak continues to flip-flop on setting the issue of the high voltage cable installation project in Kampung Sungai Terentang.

The PKR candidate for the Rawang constituency, Gan Pei Nei said that promises made by Najib when he visited the village are deemed insincere and even of a threatening nature.

She claims that this is because Najib has placed conditions of the forcing nature for the people in the area to vote BN in the 13th General Election (GE-13) this time before the project can be completed.

“We have sent memos and letters repeatedly to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water (KeTTHA) to enter into negotiation to resolve this case but there has been no response till now.

“Najib’s visit to Kampung Sungai Terentang does not show his commitment in resolving this problem. The people need to change the government, that is the only way,” she said in a press conference here at the Selayang PKR Main Operations Room.

Meanwhile, PKR candidate for Selayang Parliament, William Leong regrets the actions of BN leaders who are making this issue a political field to garner votes.

He stressed that the problem can be solved immediately as Najib has the power to order Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) to implement the cable installation project according to the predetermined alternative route.

Previously, residents objected the project because the path of the high-voltage substation cable will cross the village and it is said to cause residents to face the risk of cancer, leukaemia and pregnancy problems.

If TNB were to go through with the original alignment of CAR, it would have to demolish residents’ homes, fields, community halls, religious buildings and business premises.

However, the original plan had been blocked by the Selangor Pakatan Rakyat Government who negotiated with TNB to find alternative routes that will not affect the village.

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