Porn VCD Defaming Pakatan Rakyat Distributed in Ampang


AMPANG JAYA, 26 Apr: The atmosphere of the election campaign in the Cempaka constituency was marred with the distribution of pornographic VCDs to three residents in Taman Chempaka yesterday.

The three residents had lodged a police report at the Ampang Jaya District Police Headquarters (IPD) today after discovering the VCDs in their mailbox.

Chempaka State Legislative Assembly (DUN) PAS candidate, Iskandar Abdul Samad read a text message from a resident from Taman Cempaka who claims that his family received a pornographic VCD.

The VCD displays sexual profanities aimed at defaming a Pakatan Rakyat leader.

Iskandar said that the incident is no longer just a political issue, instead it has become a crime.

“From how I see it, it is no longer just politics but if this publicly distributed VCD reaches the hands of students or teenagers, it will surely bring about adverse effects.

“Although we are determined to win the election, but let us all maintain healthy campaigning.

“Focus on explaining the manifesto, records of achievement and avoid such immoral behaviour,” he said in the Ampang Jaya IPD compound immediately after lodging a police report.

Iskandar added that he is worried that the same tactics will be used in the remainder of the campaigning period seeing that the Pandan Parliamentary seat is among the main focus for the 13th General Election (GE-13).

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