Dr Maszlee Listed 11 Promises in 2008 Not Fulfilled by BN, Can We Believe in New Promises?


SHAH ALAM, 1 May: Umno-BN was found to not meet promises made in the 2008 manifesto despite winning in the 12th General Election (GE-12).

According to the lecturer in the Department of Revealed Knowledge and Human Sciences from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM), this situation is different with Pakatan Rakyat (PR) which formed the joint manifesto for the first time.

Dr Maszlee also listed the promises in the GE-12 that failed to be met by BN.

Among the promises failed to be met by BN includes the failure to handle the impact of rising prices of goods to ensure the people’s quality of life and to generate 2 million employment opportunities that is still short of 800,000 from the targeted figure.

In fact, according to Dr Maszlee, the quality of 1.8 million employment opportunities generated by BN is also debatable as to whether it possesses the quality promised.


“In reducing the nation’s fiscal deficit; in 2009, the statement said that the deficit was RM326 billion, 2010, RM407 billion, 2011, RM456 billion. Were promises fulfilled? Can anyone belive in the 2013 (manifesto, I do not know.

“On religion; to build better understanding about Islam to all through Islam. Is it through Perkasa? Or Zul Noordin? Or by Ibrahim Ali? Or through Chua Soi Lek?” said Dr Maszlee again.

Other promises in the manifesto which also failed to be come to pass such as reducing the national crime index, failed to provide a sense of security to the public and the promise to handle the issue of illegal immigrants have been getting worse lately.

“The government governance; BN promised in 2008 to fight corruption without fear, without showing favour.Where did Lingam go?Taib Mahmud…an unfit MACC, what is the story? Sharizan and many other corruption cases.

“In providing quality public transportation and to reduce traffic congestion, but traffic congestion is still terrible, and the terrible public transportation is monopolised by certain companies.

“The ‘New Kelantan, Advanced Kelantan’ approach for the people of the state. What is the story on royalties?” said Dr Maszlee, a panelist in the Wacana Sinar (discourse) titled ‘GE-13 Manifesto: BN vs PR at the Karangkraf Auditorium last night.

Additionally, BN also failed to realise its promise to reduce the poverty rate to 2.8 percent by 2010 and to provide sufficient affordable housing to the people, having BN to make the promise again in the GE-13 manifesto.

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