56 Applications for Selangor BSK Child Support Advance Approved


SHAH ALAM, 2 July: A total of 56 applications for the advance of child support for single mothers state-wide has been approved by the Family Support Division (BSK) of the Selangor Sharia Judiciary Department (JKSS) with a value of RM 186,650 as of now.

Welfare and Women’s Affairs Exco, Rodziah Ismail said that the advance child support payment is contributed by the Malaysian Sharia Judiciary Department (JKSM) and the Selangor Zakat Board (LZS).

So far, she said, BSK has made an advance payment of monthly maintenance to 32 single mothers while waiting for the Shariah Court to enforce the maintenance order against their husbands.

“The child support payment for the children of Muslim couples who are divorced by BSK is to ease the burden shouldered by single mothers during the process of enforcement and implementation of alimony orders carried out by the Sharia Court.

“Eligible recipients will receive a child support advance according to the amount of maintenance ordered by the court for six months or until an extended period approved by the special committee appointed,” she explained in the Selangor State Assembly session today.

She said this while answering questions from Haniza Talha (PKR-Taman Medan) regarding the status of the implementation of the Family Support Assistance to pay child support for divorced Muslim couples here today.

According to Rodziah, the advance payment for maintenance is not an absolute relief. Rather it is a maintenance advance which will be recovered by JKKS from former husbands who have defaulted on their court orders.

“In other words, this maintenance payment goal is not to take over the responsibilities of former husbands or fathers in performing their religious and lawful duties, but to ease the burden of mothers and their children,” she said.

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