Refusal to Criticise the Tyranny in Egypt, Najib Bows to Powerhouses


SHAH ALAM, August 17: Umno-BN’s action to stay silent on the murder tragedy of the Egyptian people proves that the government under the leadership of Datuk Najib Razak is akin to being cowardly.

The Selangor PKR Information Chief, Shuhaimi Shafie said Malaysia should dare to make a firm and loud statement in condemning the Egyptian military coup that has killed over 3,000 civilians.

“The action to stay silent seemingly acknowledges the voices saying the Malaysian government bows down to larger powers and endorses the evil doings of the Egyptian army.

“In spite of the proclamation that Malaysia is an Islamic country, the silence of the nation’s leaders on the tragedy reflects the country’s leaders as being timid and cowardly.

“While a statement to condemn and denounce is not dared to be done, let alone send aid to our brothers and sisters there,” he told TVSelangor today.

Until now, the Malaysian government has not made an official statement on its stand against the genocide of Egyptians.

The Egyptian army seized power and arrested President Mohamad Morsi and attacked locations where pro-democracy supporters gathered at Rabaah Adawiyah Square on 14 August.

Previously, PAS, DAP and PKR respectively made loud statements condemning and denouncing the Egyptian military actions against civilians in the Middle Eastern country.

Disappointed with the attitude of the Federal Government’s indifference, Shuhaimi urged the State Government to take the initiative to help the people of Egypt.

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