Transportation Union Anticipates Goods Price Hike In A Month


Shah Alam, 3rd Sept: National Union of Transport Equipment & Allied Industries Workers expects a widespread price hike on goods within one month following the increase on transportations cost.

The Union Executive Secretary, Senator Syed Shahir Syed Mahamud, said price hike occurs when petroleum cost influences every level of production.

“The people should be prepared. Perhaps within a month there will be an increase of prices on other goods because petroleum involves all level,” he said.

The increase of RON95 petrol and diesel prices by 20 sen effective today had long been anticipated by the People’s Coalition.

This would not have happened had the Coalition, which offered a price decrease within 24 hours, had won the 13th General Election and formed the government.

However, BN which promised not to bump fuel prices if they won the election, defaulted on their promise less than five months after a slim victory.

“We already predicted on the fuel price hike if BN won. We advised the voters not to make the wrong choice, but sadly there were voters who did ‘choose’ to increase oil price,” said the Senator to TV Selangor.


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