BN Assemblyman ‘Recycles’ Sand Issue

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: The actions of Budiman Mohd zohdi (BN-Sungai Panjang) of referring to the old Selangor State Assembly (DNS) hansard to comment on the issue of sand revenue collection is deemed as irresponsible.


The Assemblyman for Sri Muda, Shuhaimi Shafiei (PKR) said that the purpose Budiman issued the facts without referring to the latest hansard on the sand issue clearly shows that the BN Assemblyman only wants to be given credit in bringing up the sand issue during the progress of the DNS session.

According to Shuhaimi, Budiman’s statement which said that the State Government allegedly failed to meet its profit forecast of RM150 million from sand has already been explained in the DNS session in March 2012.

“We have explained many times that the RM150 million projection was not merely for sand, but includes all other revenue from rock materials such as permits for red soil, clay, silica, as well as sand quarries and mining sand.

“Admittedly, there was an error ans the statement by the Chief Minister was not written completely and clearly, so much so that people think that the projections were only for sand.

“And, even the title was projected so it could or could not have been achieved,” explained Shuhaimi yesterday.

Shuhaimi, as a Member of the Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB) Board of Directors, said this during the DNS session in response to the statement issued by Budiman on sand.

Budiman, in a statement, questioned the State Government on receiving revenue from sand mining amounting to RM150 million, as announced by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, during the DNS session in 2009.

Elaborating, Shuhaimi revealed that since taking over the management of sand in 2008 till October 2013, KSSB has successfully registered sales revenue of RM301 million.

The proceeds were then used to pay royalties to the Land and District Office (RM54 million), landlords of sand operations such as the Selangor Agricultural Development Corporation (PKPS) and Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB) (RM8.9 million) as well as contributions for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme (RM1.8 million).


Apart from that, KSSB also donated RM18 million to the State Government to pay for the Jom Shopping (Let’s Go Shopping) programme in addition to paying a dividend of RM29 million to the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI), bringing the KSSB revenue before tax to RM77 million.

Pengarang :


BN Assemblyman ‘Recycles’ Sand Issue

SHAH ALAM, 23 Nov: The actions of Budiman Mohd zohdi (BN-Sungai Panjang) of referring to the old Selangor State Assembly (DNS) hansard to comment on the issue of sand revenue collection is deemed as irresponsible.


The Assemblyman for Sri Muda, Shuhaimi Shafiei (PKR) said that the purpose Budiman issued the facts without referring to the latest hansard on the sand issue clearly shows that the BN Assemblyman only wants to be given credit in bringing up the sand issue during the progress of the DNS session.

According to Shuhaimi, Budiman’s statement which said that the State Government allegedly failed to meet its profit forecast of RM150 million from sand has already been explained in the DNS session in March 2012.

“We have explained many times that the RM150 million projection was not merely for sand, but includes all other revenue from rock materials such as permits for red soil, clay, silica, as well as sand quarries and mining sand.

“Admittedly, there was an error ans the statement by the Chief Minister was not written completely and clearly, so much so that people think that the projections were only for sand.

“And, even the title was projected so it could or could not have been achieved,” explained Shuhaimi yesterday.

Shuhaimi, as a Member of the Kumpulan Semesta Sdn Bhd (KSSB) Board of Directors, said this during the DNS session in response to the statement issued by Budiman on sand.

Budiman, in a statement, questioned the State Government on receiving revenue from sand mining amounting to RM150 million, as announced by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, during the DNS session in 2009.

Elaborating, Shuhaimi revealed that since taking over the management of sand in 2008 till October 2013, KSSB has successfully registered sales revenue of RM301 million.

The proceeds were then used to pay royalties to the Land and District Office (RM54 million), landlords of sand operations such as the Selangor Agricultural Development Corporation (PKPS) and Permodalan Negeri Selangor Berhad (PNSB) (RM8.9 million) as well as contributions for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme (RM1.8 million).


Apart from that, KSSB also donated RM18 million to the State Government to pay for the Jom Shopping (Let’s Go Shopping) programme in addition to paying a dividend of RM29 million to the Menteri Besar Incorporated (MBI), bringing the KSSB revenue before tax to RM77 million.

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