Manage Waste, MBPJ Provides Covered Trash Cans

PETALING JAYA, 11 Dec: The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) provided 1,800 covered trash cans for Section 5 and Section 10 to facilitate management of household domestic waste for areas under respective agencies.

MBPJ Zone 12 Council Member, Derek John Fernandez, said that the total workforce for garbage collection can also be minimised, in addition to residents benefiting from the initiative.


He said that the bins were provided for free and it can be lifted mechanically or using garbage trucks rather than the normal practice where employees are needed to lift garbage which is usually collected in plastic garbage bags.

“This is our first step and the next step is to enact laws at the local authority level to impose a fine or summon to those who do not use the bins provided.

“I also hope that every resident can care for and properly use property of the council because it is provided for the ease and convenience in managing their household waste,” he said,

He was met when inaugurating the Presentation of the MBPJ Clean Zone Trash Cans which was also attended by several representatives of residents at the Gasing Indah Multipurpose House earlier this morning.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Resident’s Association of Gasing Indah, S.Mohana, said that the residents were happy and pleased with MBPJ’s initiative, which is seen as capable of creating a home environment that is cleaner and comfortable.


“Now, we are facing problems concerning heaps of garbage in plastic bags which are often scattered due to dogs picking at it, this making the surroundings dirty.

“When it is dirty, a lot of bad things would definitely happen to the society, such as contraction of diseases. So, we thank MBPJ, especially council members who are concerned with the needs of the residents,” he said.

Since the beginning of this month, 400 bins were distributed, while the remainder will be delivered to every home in Section 5 and 10 in stages.

The bins that can accommodate about 120 litres of trash cost RM90 per unit and cannot be sold because it is owned by MBPJ.

Pengarang :

Manage Waste, MBPJ Provides Covered Trash Cans

PETALING JAYA, 11 Dec: The Petaling Jaya City Council (MBPJ) provided 1,800 covered trash cans for Section 5 and Section 10 to facilitate management of household domestic waste for areas under respective agencies.

MBPJ Zone 12 Council Member, Derek John Fernandez, said that the total workforce for garbage collection can also be minimised, in addition to residents benefiting from the initiative.


He said that the bins were provided for free and it can be lifted mechanically or using garbage trucks rather than the normal practice where employees are needed to lift garbage which is usually collected in plastic garbage bags.

“This is our first step and the next step is to enact laws at the local authority level to impose a fine or summon to those who do not use the bins provided.

“I also hope that every resident can care for and properly use property of the council because it is provided for the ease and convenience in managing their household waste,” he said,

He was met when inaugurating the Presentation of the MBPJ Clean Zone Trash Cans which was also attended by several representatives of residents at the Gasing Indah Multipurpose House earlier this morning.

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Resident’s Association of Gasing Indah, S.Mohana, said that the residents were happy and pleased with MBPJ’s initiative, which is seen as capable of creating a home environment that is cleaner and comfortable.


“Now, we are facing problems concerning heaps of garbage in plastic bags which are often scattered due to dogs picking at it, this making the surroundings dirty.

“When it is dirty, a lot of bad things would definitely happen to the society, such as contraction of diseases. So, we thank MBPJ, especially council members who are concerned with the needs of the residents,” he said.

Since the beginning of this month, 400 bins were distributed, while the remainder will be delivered to every home in Section 5 and 10 in stages.

The bins that can accommodate about 120 litres of trash cost RM90 per unit and cannot be sold because it is owned by MBPJ.

Pengarang :