No Action from MACC for AG’s Corruption Case, PKR Files Report to Hong Kong

PETALING JAYA, 16 Dec: Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) will report to the authorities in Hong Kong regarding the Pulau Batu Putih corruption issue involving the Attorney General, Tan Sri Gani Patail.


The PKR Strategy Director, Rafizi Ramli, said as a Member of Parliament and the Executive Director of the corruption monitoring body, the National Oversight and Whistleblowers Centre (NOW Centre), this matter has to be brought to the Hong Kong authorities for further investigation.

He said that the action is being taken because no action has been taken by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) despite the statutory declaration made by the former Chief of the Kuala Lumpur Crime Investigation Department, Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim, and distributed almost a month ago.

“I take this allegation seriously, that there were elements of bribers in the handling of the Pulau Batu Putih case, involving the Attorney General, as claimed by Tan Sri Shafee Abdullah.

“Seeing that the allegation was made in a statutory declaration by a former senior officer of the police who is ready to defend in and out of court, I believe that the allegation that there was bribery should be fully investigated,” he said in a press statement at the PKR headquarters.

Rafizi said that they will send a report and an official appeal to the Hong Kong Justice Secretary, Rimsky Yuen, the Hong Kong Director of Public Prosecutions, Keith Yeung, and Hong Kong Member of Parliament, James To, after further details are issued.

“NOW Centre maintains good relations with them after the investigation of Tan Sri Musa Aman’s corruption was conducted a year ago.

“So we will work together to investigate this allegation where bribe money was credited into the Attorney General’s account in Hong Kong.

“So far, the Hong Kong authorities can and have the authority to investigate money transactions into accounts in the country, if it is suspected of involving corruption money and the exchange of illegal money,” he said.

He believes that if investigation starts in the country, the Malaysian Government has no other choice than to provide feedback on the matter.

“We also urge the government to take appropriate measures to temporarily suspend Gani Patil’s duties until the investigation in Hong Kong is completed,” he said.

Previously, Mat Zain made a statutory declaration about his discussion with an Umno lawyer, Shafee.

The statutory declaration revolved around the allegation of abuse of power involving Gani and allegations that a huge bribe on the Pulau Batu Putih claim case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

In his statutory declaration, Mat Zain stated that, in relation to this, Shafee seriously added, telling me that “you will not believe your eyes if you were to see the amount of cash that was transferred into Gani’s account in Hong Kong…”.

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