Tour Operators Asked to Intensify Security

SUBANG JAYA, 10 Dec: Operators of the tourism industry cannot underestimate the matters of security for visitors, said Elizabeth Wong.


The Executive Councillor in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment said that the safety sector is important in efforts to attract more foreign tourists to the country, especially during the Visit Malaysia Year 2014.

She said that when the issue of safety comes first, tourists will feel more comfortable and happy to spend their vacations here.

“We cannot wait for a tragedy to occur before taking action. It is better to prepare an umbrella before it rains.


“We can take precautions so that unwanted incidents can be avoided,” said Elizabeth.

She said this in her opening speech for the ‘Safety in Tourism’ seminar which was held here at the Grand Dorsett Hotel.

In the meantime, she urged for operators of the tourism industry to collaborate with the relevant authorities to create a safe and comfortable environment for all visitors.

“The issue of security is not focused on crime alone, but it is wider, for example such as homes and transportation.

“When all these elements are taken into consideration, tourists will have a good perception and consequently will not be reluctant to vacation here,” she said.

The seminar which was organised by Tourism Selangor specifically held this seminar in response to the call by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who asked for serious and proactive measures to be taken on the issue of safety in the tourism industry.

Over 100 people, including operators of hotels, homestays and security personnel, participated in the seminar which was jointly organised with the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the Road Safety Department (JKJR), Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) and Triway Network Sdn Bhd.

Pengarang :

Tour Operators Asked to Intensify Security

SUBANG JAYA, 10 Dec: Operators of the tourism industry cannot underestimate the matters of security for visitors, said Elizabeth Wong.


The Executive Councillor in charge of Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environment said that the safety sector is important in efforts to attract more foreign tourists to the country, especially during the Visit Malaysia Year 2014.

She said that when the issue of safety comes first, tourists will feel more comfortable and happy to spend their vacations here.

“We cannot wait for a tragedy to occur before taking action. It is better to prepare an umbrella before it rains.


“We can take precautions so that unwanted incidents can be avoided,” said Elizabeth.

She said this in her opening speech for the ‘Safety in Tourism’ seminar which was held here at the Grand Dorsett Hotel.

In the meantime, she urged for operators of the tourism industry to collaborate with the relevant authorities to create a safe and comfortable environment for all visitors.

“The issue of security is not focused on crime alone, but it is wider, for example such as homes and transportation.

“When all these elements are taken into consideration, tourists will have a good perception and consequently will not be reluctant to vacation here,” she said.

The seminar which was organised by Tourism Selangor specifically held this seminar in response to the call by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, who asked for serious and proactive measures to be taken on the issue of safety in the tourism industry.

Over 100 people, including operators of hotels, homestays and security personnel, participated in the seminar which was jointly organised with the Royal Malaysian Police (PDRM), the Road Safety Department (JKJR), Malaysian Association of Hotels (MAH) and Triway Network Sdn Bhd.

Pengarang :