TUNAS, A Special Gift for the People of Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 3 Dec: The Selangor Kindergarten Assistance Scheme (TUNAS) is a programme under the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) agenda that began in 1 July 2012, which gives subsidy per capita fees to children, aged five and six, to be sent to kindergartens and pre-schools in Selangor.

Its Operations Executive, Abdul Mutalib Islan, said that TUNAS focuses on giving assistance to families earning RM2,500 and below across Selangor, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, economy and political affiliations.


“All children aged five and six from families of the target group who are registered in pre-schools under the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE), the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) Schools, Unity Kindergartens, Kemas Kindergartens, PASTI, ABIM, Hira, Pertim and PTM are eligible to apply for TUNAS.

“Last year, with an allocation of RM1,016,600 which was approved under the Selangorku Grant, 1,247 out of 1,903 students registered under the TUNAS scheme, involving 217 kindergartens and pre-schools, registered with the Selangor Kindergarten Collaborative Council *MPTS) to receive the benefits of the scheme,” he said.

Abdul Muttalib said, this year, the allocation of RM3 million will make the scheme more successful with 3,073 out of 4,247 parents managing to receive the assistance.

He said that failed registrations; 622 in 2012 and 1,174 this year, is due to the number of criteria that were not met such as the family household income and applicants’ status.

“Next year, we target for 5,000 participants or more across Selangor with an allocation of RM3 million provided by the State Government.

“We will intensify promotion and providing information throughout the state so that the people will have a clearer and complete information about this programme,” he said.

Abdul Muttalib said all kindergartens and pre-schools that wish to participate in the programme must register with MPTS to facilitate the channelling of the assistance.

Pengarang :


TUNAS, A Special Gift for the People of Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 3 Dec: The Selangor Kindergarten Assistance Scheme (TUNAS) is a programme under the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) agenda that began in 1 July 2012, which gives subsidy per capita fees to children, aged five and six, to be sent to kindergartens and pre-schools in Selangor.

Its Operations Executive, Abdul Mutalib Islan, said that TUNAS focuses on giving assistance to families earning RM2,500 and below across Selangor, irrespective of race, nationality, religion, economy and political affiliations.


“All children aged five and six from families of the target group who are registered in pre-schools under the Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE), the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) Schools, Unity Kindergartens, Kemas Kindergartens, PASTI, ABIM, Hira, Pertim and PTM are eligible to apply for TUNAS.

“Last year, with an allocation of RM1,016,600 which was approved under the Selangorku Grant, 1,247 out of 1,903 students registered under the TUNAS scheme, involving 217 kindergartens and pre-schools, registered with the Selangor Kindergarten Collaborative Council *MPTS) to receive the benefits of the scheme,” he said.

Abdul Muttalib said, this year, the allocation of RM3 million will make the scheme more successful with 3,073 out of 4,247 parents managing to receive the assistance.

He said that failed registrations; 622 in 2012 and 1,174 this year, is due to the number of criteria that were not met such as the family household income and applicants’ status.

“Next year, we target for 5,000 participants or more across Selangor with an allocation of RM3 million provided by the State Government.

“We will intensify promotion and providing information throughout the state so that the people will have a clearer and complete information about this programme,” he said.

Abdul Muttalib said all kindergartens and pre-schools that wish to participate in the programme must register with MPTS to facilitate the channelling of the assistance.

Pengarang :