Developed Nation Status has become the People’s Nightmare

KUALA LUMPUR, 23 Jan: The dream of becoming a developed nation should be an added value to the people’s happiness; however the opposite is happening, said the Central PAS Ulama Council Information Chief, Datuk Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali at-Takiri.

He said the dream has become a nightmare of the people because they would end up being victims sacrificed through the uncontrolled increasing cost of living.

Khairuddin said that although the debate on the increase is rather complex, however enough is said if it is be due to be because of the subsidy rationalisation policy to reduce the burden of public funds in pursuit of the status of becoming a developed and high income nation in six years.


“The Malaysian Government is like ‘a crab teaching its young to walk straight’ (Malay proverb). If the government is blaming the people for their attitude and lifestyle which have caused personal financial pressure, then the same bad habits have been actually inherited by the government,” he said in a statement quoted from Harakah Daily today.

The Member of Parliament for Kuala Nerus said that the public’s financial burden is a result of imprudent government management.

“Why was the additional expense in 2012 approved to RM12.17 billion in the middle of the year? Why did leakages claimed by the Second Finance Minister in the Auditor-General’s Report for 2012 amount to RM1.5 billion?

“Why has the government’s debt consistently increased from 2001, reaching the highest peak in 2012 at RM502.4 billion, equivalent to 53.7% of the GDP? Each citizen bears almost RM17,000,” he said.

He said that it is time the people rise up and reject economic policies that are burdensome, implemented and practiced by the government.

“The election is still a long way, but it does not mean that the people need to sit idly by and accept whatever is happening.

“Protests, even at least in cyberspace, should be mobilised to reflect the grievances of the people. The government should be given a reminder by the people,” he said.

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