Anwar: BN’s Way of Handing MH370 Crisis, Tarnishes Malaysia’s Image

KUALA LUMPUR, 13 Mar: The Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said that the solution used by the Barisan Nasional (BN) government to address the crisis of the missing Malaysia Airlines System (MAS) MH370 aircraft has tarnished Malaysia’s image in the eyes of the world.

Anwar said that the reprimand issued by ASEAN leaders also show that the government is quite weak in dealing with the on-going crisis, almost as if they have no experience in it.

He also questioned the conflicting information issued by the acting Transport Minister, the Department of Civil Aviation Director and MAS regarding the mysterious disappearance.


“He is only comfortable with controlled media, so when faced with international independent media, he fumbles. How can it be that there were four passports, two passports, an aircraft and after three days the air force said that it turned around.

“Yesterday, they said that they were unsure. We cannot manage a crisis like this, a statement needs to be verified and it cannot be dubious because that was told by the former Panglima of the Armed Forces to me,” he said.

Anwar’s argument was supported by the Member of Parliament for Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar, who said that Malaysia has not only lost the MH370 aircraft but the country’s credibility and leaders are also implicated for failing to manage the crisis.

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