MH370: Contradictory Statements, Hishammuddin Attacked by International Media

KAJANG, 13 Mar: The acting Transport Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, was attacked by international media journalists when the statement issued by him and several government agencies were were found to contradict each other.

The Deputy President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR), Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that attack from international media against Hishammuddin took place at the daily press conference on the MAS MH370 flight missing incident held at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport yesterday evening.

“If this is the case, then there is no transparent Umno leadership because in the press conference that we saw, international media attacked Hishammuddin by saying that the Malaysian Government is dishonest and not transparent in providing information regarding the HM370 incident.


“My conclusion is that Umno ministers are not familiar on facing international media. They are just used to answering Utusan Malaysia TV3 and RTM. They are not accustomed to CNN, BBC, Al-Jazeera and other international media, but they can lie to Utusan and TV3.

“That is why when over 50 international media camped in KLIA, he could not answer because the Prime Minister is too weak, obnoxious and incapable of dealing with a crisis faced by the people,” he said at the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) talk which was held here at Taman Mesra yesterday.

He also said that the move by the Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat to reject the emergency motion brought up by the Member of Parliament for Pokok Sena, Datuk Mahfuz Omar, to discuss the MH370 incident as inappropriate.


“We want to discuss every statement issued by every agency that is contradictory. The police issued a different statement from the Civil Aviation Department, the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF) and the Ministry of Transport.

“The Dewan Rakyat Speaker easily dismissed the motion by saying that the sympathy shown by the Prime is enough and that we did not need to discuss it.

“We do not want a statement from one or two individuals, but we want the Dewan Rakyat, as the highest point in the national system to discuss this issue so that we can be together in search and rescue operations by helping to provide some relief and to reduce anxiety in (passengers) families,” he said.

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