MH370 Tragedy, PR Leaders Express Condolences

SHAH ALAM, 25 Mar: The MH370 tragedy that received reaction from various parties, including Pakatan Rakyat (PR) leaders has been confirmed to have crashed into the Indian Ocean on the west of Perth, Australia, by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, in a special press conference yesterday.

The last location of the Boeing 777-200 aircraft owned by the Malaysian Airlines System (MAS) was received through data by Inmarsat and the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB), which confirmed that it flew to the southern corridor where the last signal was detected.

The MH370, also the 404th 777 model released by Boeing disappeared from radar after it took off from the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) to Beijing on 8 March.


The very tragic loss involving 230 passengers and crew from 13 countries received worldwide coverage because a variety of questions arose when the aircraft turned back from the intended path.

The Twitter pages of PR leaders show that they also felt the loss and hopes that family members of the passengers and crew of the MH370 will face this tragedy with strength and that the whole world feels this loss with them.

The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said, #prayforMH370 the end of the aircraft’s two-week story.


“Pray that the victims are blessed by Allah. Seek family perseverance and patience,” he said.

The PAS Deputy President, Datuk Husam Musa, said that the MH370 tragedy should be reviewed until answers are found and he still supports MAS as a national asset.

“May Allah grant strength to the families of the passengers and crew of MH370,” he said.


Meanwhile, the DAP Advisor, Lim Kit Siang, said that he also shares the grief with family and friends of passengers and crew members of MH370, which has been confirmed to have crashed in the Indian Ocean.

“Not just them but a crying world.” he said.

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