Sarawakians Excited, Impressed with Successful Management of Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 29 Mar: The success and efficiency of Selangor in taking care of the welfare of its people continues to attract the attention of people in other states.

About 30 Sarawakians in a visit to Selangor expressed excitement and awe on the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) programme carried out by the state.


In the short visit, they were exposed to various activities arranged by the Selangor Government to ensure the welfare of the people in the state is always at the optimum level.

Among the activities that drew the attention of the Sarawakians is the Women’s Empowerment Programme (PWB) under the management of the Executive Councillor of Selangor Women and Welfare, Rodziah Ismail, which gave the opportunity to women to improve the lives of their families with activities to generate income, in addition to craft and massage.

During the one-week visit, representatives from Sarawak learned how to plant vegetables, cook traditional cakes and were informed about women’s safety, and all the activities organised by PWB took place at the Batu Tiga branch.


Rodziah said that Sarawakians are starting to be to open their minds and are starting to look for something to improve themselves and the economy there.

“This visitation program is a result of their own initiative and we welcome them with an open heart.

“They will be small ambassadors visiting Selangor. All their experience here will be able to open the eyes of people in Sarawak about the implementation of programmes and administration that the Pakatan Rakyat Government is able to do,” she said.

Pengarang :


Sarawakians Excited, Impressed with Successful Management of Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 29 Mar: The success and efficiency of Selangor in taking care of the welfare of its people continues to attract the attention of people in other states.

About 30 Sarawakians in a visit to Selangor expressed excitement and awe on the Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) programme carried out by the state.


In the short visit, they were exposed to various activities arranged by the Selangor Government to ensure the welfare of the people in the state is always at the optimum level.

Among the activities that drew the attention of the Sarawakians is the Women’s Empowerment Programme (PWB) under the management of the Executive Councillor of Selangor Women and Welfare, Rodziah Ismail, which gave the opportunity to women to improve the lives of their families with activities to generate income, in addition to craft and massage.

During the one-week visit, representatives from Sarawak learned how to plant vegetables, cook traditional cakes and were informed about women’s safety, and all the activities organised by PWB took place at the Batu Tiga branch.


Rodziah said that Sarawakians are starting to be to open their minds and are starting to look for something to improve themselves and the economy there.

“This visitation program is a result of their own initiative and we welcome them with an open heart.

“They will be small ambassadors visiting Selangor. All their experience here will be able to open the eyes of people in Sarawak about the implementation of programmes and administration that the Pakatan Rakyat Government is able to do,” she said.

Pengarang :