CM: Government Does Not Intend to Ban Non-Islamic Religious Material at Hotels

KLANG, 25 Apr: The Selangor Government has no intention to ban non-Islamic religious material placed in hotel rooms in the state, like done in Pahang.

The brief statement was issued by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, at a press conference after the Klang District People’s Friendly Programme here at the Hamzah Hall today.


“No. We did not even think about that,” he said.

Previously, the Pahang Islamic and Malay Customs Council (MAIP) banned hotel owners in the state to place reading materials other than Islamic ones in the rooms of their customers.

The MAIP Deputy President, Datuk Seri Wan Abdul Wahid Wan Hassan, said that the letter on the matter was distributed to 147 hotels across Pahang since March 6.

The letter of prohibition was issued under provisions of Propagation of Non-Islamic Religions Enactment 1989 for the state of Pahang, in line with Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution.

MAIP claims that placing such materials can be regarded as the act of spreading other religious beliefs to Muslims, as part of public who stays at the hotel.

According to media reports, so far hotels have consented to the ban, in addition to promising to reading material as soon as possible.

Pengarang :

CM: Government Does Not Intend to Ban Non-Islamic Religious Material at Hotels

KLANG, 25 Apr: The Selangor Government has no intention to ban non-Islamic religious material placed in hotel rooms in the state, like done in Pahang.

The brief statement was issued by the Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, at a press conference after the Klang District People’s Friendly Programme here at the Hamzah Hall today.


“No. We did not even think about that,” he said.

Previously, the Pahang Islamic and Malay Customs Council (MAIP) banned hotel owners in the state to place reading materials other than Islamic ones in the rooms of their customers.

The MAIP Deputy President, Datuk Seri Wan Abdul Wahid Wan Hassan, said that the letter on the matter was distributed to 147 hotels across Pahang since March 6.

The letter of prohibition was issued under provisions of Propagation of Non-Islamic Religions Enactment 1989 for the state of Pahang, in line with Article 11(4) of the Federal Constitution.

MAIP claims that placing such materials can be regarded as the act of spreading other religious beliefs to Muslims, as part of public who stays at the hotel.

According to media reports, so far hotels have consented to the ban, in addition to promising to reading material as soon as possible.

Pengarang :