CM orders lawyer to deliver a letter of demand to Manikavasagam

SHAH ALAM, 13 May: A letter of demand will be sent to the candidate for the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Kuala Selangor branch Chief, S Manikavasagam, following his statement accusing the Selangor Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, of vote-buying to gain voters support in the party election.

In a short statement on Facebook, Abdul Khalid said that he has ordered his lawyers to do so because he thinks that Manikavasagam’s allegations are extreme and unfounded.

“I have ordered lawyers to send a letter of demand to Manikavasagam for accusing me of corruption by buying voters,” he said.


Prior to this, Manikavasagam, also the Bukit Melawati State Legislative Assembly Service Centre Coordinator, exposed that there were individuals willing to pay RM50 to gain support for Abdul Khalid.

He claimed that he will reveal the video recordings and photographs of the individuals involved in the vote-buying in the near future and asked the Central Election Committee (ECE) to take appropriate action.

However, the matter was vehemently denied by Abdul Khalid, also the Kuala Selangor PKR branch Chief incumbent, saying that it is absolutely unfounded and asked the unsatisfied parties to report it to the relevant parties.

“I did not give money to people to vote for me because I am among the individuals that do not practice money politics throughout my leadership in Selangor as Chief Minister,” he said.


Abdul Khalid said that the main reason he wants to defend his position as branch chief is to improve service to the people in the area, as well as to give back to the party.

“I admit that many people do not like me, that is why I want to maintain this seat so I have an opportunity to better serve members at the Kuala Selangor branch,” he said.

He admitted that he was not liked by some party members because he was busy managing Selangor and ignored his responsibilities as branch chief.

Pengarang :

CM orders lawyer to deliver a letter of demand to Manikavasagam

SHAH ALAM, 13 May: A letter of demand will be sent to the candidate for the Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) Kuala Selangor branch Chief, S Manikavasagam, following his statement accusing the Selangor Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, of vote-buying to gain voters support in the party election.

In a short statement on Facebook, Abdul Khalid said that he has ordered his lawyers to do so because he thinks that Manikavasagam’s allegations are extreme and unfounded.

“I have ordered lawyers to send a letter of demand to Manikavasagam for accusing me of corruption by buying voters,” he said.


Prior to this, Manikavasagam, also the Bukit Melawati State Legislative Assembly Service Centre Coordinator, exposed that there were individuals willing to pay RM50 to gain support for Abdul Khalid.

He claimed that he will reveal the video recordings and photographs of the individuals involved in the vote-buying in the near future and asked the Central Election Committee (ECE) to take appropriate action.

However, the matter was vehemently denied by Abdul Khalid, also the Kuala Selangor PKR branch Chief incumbent, saying that it is absolutely unfounded and asked the unsatisfied parties to report it to the relevant parties.

“I did not give money to people to vote for me because I am among the individuals that do not practice money politics throughout my leadership in Selangor as Chief Minister,” he said.


Abdul Khalid said that the main reason he wants to defend his position as branch chief is to improve service to the people in the area, as well as to give back to the party.

“I admit that many people do not like me, that is why I want to maintain this seat so I have an opportunity to better serve members at the Kuala Selangor branch,” he said.

He admitted that he was not liked by some party members because he was busy managing Selangor and ignored his responsibilities as branch chief.

Pengarang :