Pahang-Selangor Raw Water Transfer Project ready on December 20

SHAH ALAM, 22 May: The Raw Water Transfer Project from Pahang to Selangor is expected to be fully completed on December 20 and is now 96 percent complete.

The Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water, Datuk Seri Dr Maximus Ongkili, said that so far, the construction project consists of four components; the Raw Water Transfer Tunnel, the Kelau Dam, the Semantan River intake and the pumphouse, and the twin pipeline.


“In early August, as a trial, we will channel some 500 million litres a day to Sungai Langat, which has three water treatment plants,” he said, quoted from MStar Online.

Ongkili said the trial was a move to increase the water in the river because the country was expected to experience a dry spell from June due to the El Nino effect.

When fully completed, the project would have the capacity to channel 1.89 billion litres of water a day from Pahang to Selangor to meet the needs of consumers in Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya up to 2025.

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