Abdul Khalid is professional, people’s interests is a priority

SHAH ALAM, 5 July: The State Government is ready to cooperate with all parties as long it benefits and is advantageous to Selangor and the people in the state.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the State Government does not mind working with Barisan Nasional (BN) for the sake of the people of the state.


He said that political differences should not be an obstacle that hampers the people’s opportunity to benefit from the corporate and professional background he has.

“I will cooperate with the Japanese, Korean, BN and anyone for the benefit of the state. With the cooperation, there are things that we will agree on, there are things we will not agree on, all based on the people’s interests” he said during a press conference today.

Earlier, he inaugurated the Individual Meter Migration Convention at the Silver Jubilee Hall, SUK Building, which was also attended by the Executive Councillor in charge of Housing, Iskandar Abdul Samad.

He was asked about the criticism by his allies in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) who are not happy with his approach, which is deemed as friendly with BN.


Commenting further, Abdul Khalid however said that he will not blindly follow other people and will always give priority to the interests of the people.

“Just like the granting of the bonus recently, I gave one month’s salary, BN gave only RM500. If I followed them, I would have given RM500, but it was on my own decision based on the ability of the state,” he said.


Pengarang :

Abdul Khalid is professional, people’s interests is a priority

SHAH ALAM, 5 July: The State Government is ready to cooperate with all parties as long it benefits and is advantageous to Selangor and the people in the state.

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim said that the State Government does not mind working with Barisan Nasional (BN) for the sake of the people of the state.


He said that political differences should not be an obstacle that hampers the people’s opportunity to benefit from the corporate and professional background he has.

“I will cooperate with the Japanese, Korean, BN and anyone for the benefit of the state. With the cooperation, there are things that we will agree on, there are things we will not agree on, all based on the people’s interests” he said during a press conference today.

Earlier, he inaugurated the Individual Meter Migration Convention at the Silver Jubilee Hall, SUK Building, which was also attended by the Executive Councillor in charge of Housing, Iskandar Abdul Samad.

He was asked about the criticism by his allies in Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) and Pakatan Rakyat (PR) who are not happy with his approach, which is deemed as friendly with BN.


Commenting further, Abdul Khalid however said that he will not blindly follow other people and will always give priority to the interests of the people.

“Just like the granting of the bonus recently, I gave one month’s salary, BN gave only RM500. If I followed them, I would have given RM500, but it was on my own decision based on the ability of the state,” he said.


Pengarang :