Abdul Khalid still committed to his duties as Chief Minister

SHAH ALAM, 2 July: Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is still committed to his duties as the Chief Minister of Selangor and stressed that party leaders should demonstrate maturity and wisdom in any statement made.

He said this when commenting on statements and calls from some quarters asking him to take the moral responsibility of letting go of the state’s highest position.

“I think that our leadership should be responsible and show maturity because Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is part of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).


“We have to show that as a group, we can be a party that can compete with Barisan Nasional (BN) in any form, and have the ability to rule if elected by the people to govern the nation.

“Therefore, we need to show maturity and wisdom in any statement made,” he said during a press conference after the Executive Council meeting today.

Abdul Khalid said that personal attacks against him have been accepted by him without any problem, but he stressed that it should not be discussed with the press.

“Personal attacks are okay, but the matter should be commented in discussions with the media, because the matter can be brought before internal politics bureau for discussion,” he said.


He also expressed confidence that a large number of Selangor Assemblymen, including Executive Councillor, fully support him as the Chief Minister.

“When PR was given mandate, our aim was to ensure that the people trusted elected representatives to carry out their duties with trust and responsibility. That is our priority,” he said.


Pengarang :


Abdul Khalid still committed to his duties as Chief Minister

SHAH ALAM, 2 July: Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is still committed to his duties as the Chief Minister of Selangor and stressed that party leaders should demonstrate maturity and wisdom in any statement made.

He said this when commenting on statements and calls from some quarters asking him to take the moral responsibility of letting go of the state’s highest position.

“I think that our leadership should be responsible and show maturity because Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) is part of Pakatan Rakyat (PR).


“We have to show that as a group, we can be a party that can compete with Barisan Nasional (BN) in any form, and have the ability to rule if elected by the people to govern the nation.

“Therefore, we need to show maturity and wisdom in any statement made,” he said during a press conference after the Executive Council meeting today.

Abdul Khalid said that personal attacks against him have been accepted by him without any problem, but he stressed that it should not be discussed with the press.

“Personal attacks are okay, but the matter should be commented in discussions with the media, because the matter can be brought before internal politics bureau for discussion,” he said.


He also expressed confidence that a large number of Selangor Assemblymen, including Executive Councillor, fully support him as the Chief Minister.

“When PR was given mandate, our aim was to ensure that the people trusted elected representatives to carry out their duties with trust and responsibility. That is our priority,” he said.


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