Selangor flag will be at half-mast to respect the victims of MH17

KAJANG, 25 July: Selangor will fly the state flag at half-mast as a sign of mourning for the bodies of the MH17 aircraft crash victims that have arrived safely at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, informed that the matter has received consent from the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

“The Selangor Government has received consent from the Sultan so that when the bodies of the MH17 victims arrive at KLIA, we will fly the flag at half-mast to express sadness and responsibility to all those who died as a result of the tragedy,” he said.


The Sultan of Selangor previously conveyed his condolences to the families of victims who died in the Malaysian Airlines (MAS) MH17 aircraft which crashed in Eastern Ukraine and killed 298 people, including crew members.

He prayed for those who lost family members in the incident to be given strength and patience by Allah.

Abdul Khallid previously launched the Hari Raya Aidilfitri Road Safety Campaign for the Selangor State 2014 level organised by the Road Safety Council (MKJR) and the Selangor Road Safety Department (JKJR).

He presented some helmets and reflection jackets to motorcyclists as a symbolism of the launch and contribution of the Aidilfitri at the Sungai Balak Toll.


In his speech, he called for the culture of defensive driving to be made a way of life life.

“Alhamdulilah, according to road accident statistic from IPK Selangor, the number of road accidents in the state dropped in June, 11,190 cases compared to last My 11,774 cases.

“However, the number of victims killed on roads increased from 90 people in May to 105 people in June,” he said.

Meanwhile, for accidents in districts, Kajang recorded the highest number of deaths with 13 deaths, followed by South Klang with 12 deaths, while Ampang recorded one death in the road statistics for June.


Pengarang :


Selangor flag will be at half-mast to respect the victims of MH17

KAJANG, 25 July: Selangor will fly the state flag at half-mast as a sign of mourning for the bodies of the MH17 aircraft crash victims that have arrived safely at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA).

The Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, informed that the matter has received consent from the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

“The Selangor Government has received consent from the Sultan so that when the bodies of the MH17 victims arrive at KLIA, we will fly the flag at half-mast to express sadness and responsibility to all those who died as a result of the tragedy,” he said.


The Sultan of Selangor previously conveyed his condolences to the families of victims who died in the Malaysian Airlines (MAS) MH17 aircraft which crashed in Eastern Ukraine and killed 298 people, including crew members.

He prayed for those who lost family members in the incident to be given strength and patience by Allah.

Abdul Khallid previously launched the Hari Raya Aidilfitri Road Safety Campaign for the Selangor State 2014 level organised by the Road Safety Council (MKJR) and the Selangor Road Safety Department (JKJR).

He presented some helmets and reflection jackets to motorcyclists as a symbolism of the launch and contribution of the Aidilfitri at the Sungai Balak Toll.


In his speech, he called for the culture of defensive driving to be made a way of life life.

“Alhamdulilah, according to road accident statistic from IPK Selangor, the number of road accidents in the state dropped in June, 11,190 cases compared to last My 11,774 cases.

“However, the number of victims killed on roads increased from 90 people in May to 105 people in June,” he said.

Meanwhile, for accidents in districts, Kajang recorded the highest number of deaths with 13 deaths, followed by South Klang with 12 deaths, while Ampang recorded one death in the road statistics for June.


Pengarang :