PKR wants the new CM to review Kidex & water agreement

PETALING JAYA, 26 Sept: Today, PKR wants the new Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, to review the agreement signed by the previous administration, especially the construction of the Kidex and water agreement.

The PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said that the new state cabinet needs to examine the agreements after the formation of the State Executive Council (Exco).


“PKR fully supports the new CM’s statement to review the approval, particularly the Kidex, which profits government cronies.

“This includes the water agreement with the federal government, we will give full support,” said Anwar in a joint press conference with Azmin and four Exco members from PKR at the PKR headquarters today.

Anwar claimed that the administration of the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, did not explain and provide details about the approval in the agreement.

“The new administration should provide good and transparent examples, I give strong and full support to the new CM,” he said.


Pengarang :

PKR wants the new CM to review Kidex & water agreement

PETALING JAYA, 26 Sept: Today, PKR wants the new Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, to review the agreement signed by the previous administration, especially the construction of the Kidex and water agreement.

The PKR de facto leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, said that the new state cabinet needs to examine the agreements after the formation of the State Executive Council (Exco).


“PKR fully supports the new CM’s statement to review the approval, particularly the Kidex, which profits government cronies.

“This includes the water agreement with the federal government, we will give full support,” said Anwar in a joint press conference with Azmin and four Exco members from PKR at the PKR headquarters today.

Anwar claimed that the administration of the former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim, did not explain and provide details about the approval in the agreement.

“The new administration should provide good and transparent examples, I give strong and full support to the new CM,” he said.


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