Amiruddin recites a poem to remind himself to not bait voters

GOMBAK, 26 Oct: Politicians, especially MPs elected in the election, have been reminded to not bait voters by making sweet promises that cannot be met.

The hypocritical attitude of politicians that like to make sweet promises like that may cause the people to lose trust in politicians.’


This is the message imparted by the Executive Councillor for Young Generation Development, Sports, Culture and Entrepreneur Development, Amiruddin Shari, in a poem entitled ‘Dongeng Pilihan Raya’ (Election Fairy Tale) by T.Alias which he read during the 1 Muharam Humanist Assembly at Kampung Banda Dalam last night.

The madness of politicians who are drunk with counting their fortunes and chasing after high positions was also touched on in the ‘Kafetaria Sabtu Pagi’ (Saturday Morning Cafeteria) poem.

Before Amiruddin read the poem, he said that the poem is a reminder to himself and also other polticians.

Dongeng Pilihan Raya
(Election Fairy Tale)

Segala-galanya teratur dan sempurna
(Everything was organised and perfect)
menjelang pilihan raya itu
(as the election approached)
Gambar tujuh calon merentangi
(The images of seven candidates spanned)
deretan pohon dan tembok
(the row of trees and poles)
tak putus-putus berteriak
(insistently shouting)
pada jalan kuning sempit:
(along the yellow narrow road:)
‘berilah aku kesempatan itu
(‘give me the opportunity)
agar dapat kuredakan deritamu’
(so I can ease your suffering’)
ikrar tujuh calon begitu jernih
(the pledges of the seven candidates were so clear)
menyusuri parit coklat
(along the brown drains)
menyusuri jambatan tenat
(along the tired bridge)
dan berkahir di gelisah rakyat
(and ending in the people’s restlessness)
segala-galanya baik dan manis
(everything is good and sweet)
menjelang pilihan raya itu
(as the election approached)
tutur tujuh calon membara
(the speeches of the seven candidates smouldered)
menjalar liar bak api
(spreading like wildfire)
membakar daerah pengundi
(burning the districts of voters)
membakar darah pengundi
(burning the blood of voters)

Aneh segala-galanya mendingin
(Strangely everything cooled down)
pada pagi pilihan raya itu
(on the morning of the election)
khabarnya tiada seorang pun
(not one could be seen)
daripada sejumlah 70,000 pengundi
(of the 70,000 voters)
keluar memilih wakil mereka
(out to elect their representatives)

aneh pengundi tiba-tiba menyedari
(strangely the voters suddenly realised)
pada pagi pilihan raya itu
(on the morning of the election)
mereka dipersendakan tutur calon
(they were baited by the speeches of the candidates)
dan dipersonakan janji calon
(and fascinated by the promises of the candidates)



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Amiruddin recites a poem to remind himself to not bait voters

GOMBAK, 26 Oct: Politicians, especially MPs elected in the election, have been reminded to not bait voters by making sweet promises that cannot be met.

The hypocritical attitude of politicians that like to make sweet promises like that may cause the people to lose trust in politicians.’


This is the message imparted by the Executive Councillor for Young Generation Development, Sports, Culture and Entrepreneur Development, Amiruddin Shari, in a poem entitled ‘Dongeng Pilihan Raya’ (Election Fairy Tale) by T.Alias which he read during the 1 Muharam Humanist Assembly at Kampung Banda Dalam last night.

The madness of politicians who are drunk with counting their fortunes and chasing after high positions was also touched on in the ‘Kafetaria Sabtu Pagi’ (Saturday Morning Cafeteria) poem.

Before Amiruddin read the poem, he said that the poem is a reminder to himself and also other polticians.

Dongeng Pilihan Raya
(Election Fairy Tale)

Segala-galanya teratur dan sempurna
(Everything was organised and perfect)
menjelang pilihan raya itu
(as the election approached)
Gambar tujuh calon merentangi
(The images of seven candidates spanned)
deretan pohon dan tembok
(the row of trees and poles)
tak putus-putus berteriak
(insistently shouting)
pada jalan kuning sempit:
(along the yellow narrow road:)
‘berilah aku kesempatan itu
(‘give me the opportunity)
agar dapat kuredakan deritamu’
(so I can ease your suffering’)
ikrar tujuh calon begitu jernih
(the pledges of the seven candidates were so clear)
menyusuri parit coklat
(along the brown drains)
menyusuri jambatan tenat
(along the tired bridge)
dan berkahir di gelisah rakyat
(and ending in the people’s restlessness)
segala-galanya baik dan manis
(everything is good and sweet)
menjelang pilihan raya itu
(as the election approached)
tutur tujuh calon membara
(the speeches of the seven candidates smouldered)
menjalar liar bak api
(spreading like wildfire)
membakar daerah pengundi
(burning the districts of voters)
membakar darah pengundi
(burning the blood of voters)

Aneh segala-galanya mendingin
(Strangely everything cooled down)
pada pagi pilihan raya itu
(on the morning of the election)
khabarnya tiada seorang pun
(not one could be seen)
daripada sejumlah 70,000 pengundi
(of the 70,000 voters)
keluar memilih wakil mereka
(out to elect their representatives)

aneh pengundi tiba-tiba menyedari
(strangely the voters suddenly realised)
pada pagi pilihan raya itu
(on the morning of the election)
mereka dipersendakan tutur calon
(they were baited by the speeches of the candidates)
dan dipersonakan janji calon
(and fascinated by the promises of the candidates)



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