CM: Selangor fights against Sedition Act until repealed

SHAH ALAM, 27 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, assured that his administration will fight against the Sedition Act 1948 until it is repealed to foster democracy in Selangor.


Mohamed Azmin said that his administration strongly supports the efforts of civil society groups and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are pushing for the repeal of the archaic act.

“The government will give its full and undivided support to these groups which are fighting to uphold democracy in the country.

“We want to be friends with them to ensure a democratic balance in this state,” said Azmin after speaking at the Dinner Against the Sedition Act at the Civic Hall in Petaling Jaya today, taken from The Malaysian Insider.

Azimin said that only a weak government will hold on to such counterproductive law to suppress its people.


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CM: Selangor fights against Sedition Act until repealed

SHAH ALAM, 27 Oct: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, assured that his administration will fight against the Sedition Act 1948 until it is repealed to foster democracy in Selangor.


Mohamed Azmin said that his administration strongly supports the efforts of civil society groups and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) who are pushing for the repeal of the archaic act.

“The government will give its full and undivided support to these groups which are fighting to uphold democracy in the country.

“We want to be friends with them to ensure a democratic balance in this state,” said Azmin after speaking at the Dinner Against the Sedition Act at the Civic Hall in Petaling Jaya today, taken from The Malaysian Insider.

Azimin said that only a weak government will hold on to such counterproductive law to suppress its people.


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