CM: Datuk Dr Yunus & Datuk Iskandar have contributed to the people a lot

KLANG, 11 Dec: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, congratulated the two Selangor Exco members who were awarded the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS)(Second Class) award today.

Mohamed Azmin believes that the choice was made on the merit and services given to the state and the people of Selangor.

“They deserve to be honored and awarded because these two leaders have contributes their services to the people of Selangor. Congratulations to them,” he said briefly when met by reporters at the Alam Shah Palace today.


Two Selangor state executive council (Exco) members are among 11 recipients of the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS)(Second Class) award which carries the title ‘Datuk’ for males and ‘Datin Paduka’ for women, in conjunction with the 69th birthday of the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

The two Exco members are the Exco for Housing, Building Management and Urban Living, Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad, and the Exco for Islamic Religious Affairs, Malay Customs, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi.


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CM: Datuk Dr Yunus & Datuk Iskandar have contributed to the people a lot

KLANG, 11 Dec: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, congratulated the two Selangor Exco members who were awarded the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS)(Second Class) award today.

Mohamed Azmin believes that the choice was made on the merit and services given to the state and the people of Selangor.

“They deserve to be honored and awarded because these two leaders have contributes their services to the people of Selangor. Congratulations to them,” he said briefly when met by reporters at the Alam Shah Palace today.


Two Selangor state executive council (Exco) members are among 11 recipients of the Datuk Paduka Mahkota Selangor (DPMS)(Second Class) award which carries the title ‘Datuk’ for males and ‘Datin Paduka’ for women, in conjunction with the 69th birthday of the Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah.

The two Exco members are the Exco for Housing, Building Management and Urban Living, Datuk Iskandar Abdul Samad, and the Exco for Islamic Religious Affairs, Malay Customs, Rural Development and Traditional Villages, Datuk Dr Ahmad Yunus Hairi.


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