Do not develop to a point of destruction

SHAH ALAM, 20 Apr: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, wants to ensure that the physical development in Selangor will not ‘destroy people’.

He called on all parties to remember the advice from the Indonesian Prime Minister, Muhammad Natsir, that development is not destructive in nature.


“Muhammad Natsir once said, while developing, let us not destroy. Let us not build warehouses, institutions, skyscrapers, but destroy the people in it.

“There is no meaning to buildings being built but humanity is destroyed,” he said when speaking at the monthly assembly at the Silver Jubilee Hall today.

Muhammad Natsir was the 5th Indonesian Prime Minister appointed by Sukarno, who deemed him to have a concept to save the republic through constitution.

He died at the age of 84 in Jakarta on February 6, 1993.


Mohamed Azmin reminded that development is not limited to the physical, but values and character that upholds integrity.

He said that integrity is important in ensuring that development produces excellence without undermining the values of humanity.

“It is the key condition to establishing a clean, efficient, transparent and responsible administration. This is actually the axis for development to ensure that a country goes forward or backward,” he said.

Hence, Mohamed Azmin will not allow leakages and corruption to take place in his administration.


Pengarang :

Do not develop to a point of destruction

SHAH ALAM, 20 Apr: The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, wants to ensure that the physical development in Selangor will not ‘destroy people’.

He called on all parties to remember the advice from the Indonesian Prime Minister, Muhammad Natsir, that development is not destructive in nature.


“Muhammad Natsir once said, while developing, let us not destroy. Let us not build warehouses, institutions, skyscrapers, but destroy the people in it.

“There is no meaning to buildings being built but humanity is destroyed,” he said when speaking at the monthly assembly at the Silver Jubilee Hall today.

Muhammad Natsir was the 5th Indonesian Prime Minister appointed by Sukarno, who deemed him to have a concept to save the republic through constitution.

He died at the age of 84 in Jakarta on February 6, 1993.


Mohamed Azmin reminded that development is not limited to the physical, but values and character that upholds integrity.

He said that integrity is important in ensuring that development produces excellence without undermining the values of humanity.

“It is the key condition to establishing a clean, efficient, transparent and responsible administration. This is actually the axis for development to ensure that a country goes forward or backward,” he said.

Hence, Mohamed Azmin will not allow leakages and corruption to take place in his administration.


Pengarang :