CM: Project policies need to be reviewed, amended if necessary

SHAH ALAM, 28 May: The working visit to Japan and Korea led by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, focuses on pharmaceutical, life sciences and green technology investment, in addition to promoting industrial areas in Selangor.

The delegation also held a meeting and tour at Osaka City Station on the third day of the visit to the country.


The station is one of the oldest transportation locations in Japan and the visit aimed to view and learn the system being used in Japan.

“Osaka City Station receives about 850,000 passengers a day. It is an eco-friendly station using solar systems to generate electricity.

“In addition, it recycles rainwater for use in toilets at the station,” he said in the Chief Minister’s Office Press Secretary’s statement.

The Selangor delegation also visited Hikano-mori Power Plant which began operations in 2013, a solar energy project which provides electricity to the people of Osaka.


The project involves the use of an industrial waste disposal site which was abandoned to generate solar energy.

It can enhance economic activities with 3,200 households enjoying electricity at a cheaper price that is efficient, involving 10 megawatts of power per day.

Meanwhile, Mohamed Azmin said that the solar projects in Selangor need to be developed and the existing policies need to be reviewed and amended if necessary.

The four-day working visit was concluded with the Waste to Energy briefing and project proposal by Hitachi Zosen Co Ltd.

“The Selangor government is very interested in this solid waste management system because it can manage domestic and industrial waste more efficiently and cleanly.

“It can also generate electricity in addition to making the operations centre as a location for education,” said Mohamed Azmin.


Pengarang :

CM: Project policies need to be reviewed, amended if necessary

SHAH ALAM, 28 May: The working visit to Japan and Korea led by the Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, focuses on pharmaceutical, life sciences and green technology investment, in addition to promoting industrial areas in Selangor.

The delegation also held a meeting and tour at Osaka City Station on the third day of the visit to the country.


The station is one of the oldest transportation locations in Japan and the visit aimed to view and learn the system being used in Japan.

“Osaka City Station receives about 850,000 passengers a day. It is an eco-friendly station using solar systems to generate electricity.

“In addition, it recycles rainwater for use in toilets at the station,” he said in the Chief Minister’s Office Press Secretary’s statement.

The Selangor delegation also visited Hikano-mori Power Plant which began operations in 2013, a solar energy project which provides electricity to the people of Osaka.


The project involves the use of an industrial waste disposal site which was abandoned to generate solar energy.

It can enhance economic activities with 3,200 households enjoying electricity at a cheaper price that is efficient, involving 10 megawatts of power per day.

Meanwhile, Mohamed Azmin said that the solar projects in Selangor need to be developed and the existing policies need to be reviewed and amended if necessary.

The four-day working visit was concluded with the Waste to Energy briefing and project proposal by Hitachi Zosen Co Ltd.

“The Selangor government is very interested in this solid waste management system because it can manage domestic and industrial waste more efficiently and cleanly.

“It can also generate electricity in addition to making the operations centre as a location for education,” said Mohamed Azmin.


Pengarang :