Fornication arrest cases more than alcohol

SHAH ALAM, 27 May: Arrests on illicit fornication cases and preparing to do it in Selangor surpasses arrests on alcohol drinking in the first four months of this year.

According to statistics by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) Enforcement Division, six arrests were made in relation to illicit fornication in February and March, with three cases each.

In the same period, cases involving the preparation to conduct illicit fornication conducted by JAIS enforcement was 27.

Meanwhile, arrests for drinking intoxicating beverages (alcohol) was 10 cases.

Arrests for gambling offenses recorded 93 cases, 53 cases in January, February (14), march (11) and April (32).

Arrests involving khalwat (being in close proximity) is still the highest with 476 cases, 131 in January, February (154), March (72) and April (119).


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Fornication arrest cases more than alcohol

SHAH ALAM, 27 May: Arrests on illicit fornication cases and preparing to do it in Selangor surpasses arrests on alcohol drinking in the first four months of this year.

According to statistics by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) Enforcement Division, six arrests were made in relation to illicit fornication in February and March, with three cases each.

In the same period, cases involving the preparation to conduct illicit fornication conducted by JAIS enforcement was 27.

Meanwhile, arrests for drinking intoxicating beverages (alcohol) was 10 cases.

Arrests for gambling offenses recorded 93 cases, 53 cases in January, February (14), march (11) and April (32).

Arrests involving khalwat (being in close proximity) is still the highest with 476 cases, 131 in January, February (154), March (72) and April (119).


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