Six tarekat groups in Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 28 May: Selangor has banned six tarekat groups that deviate from the true teachings of Islam, said the Mufti, Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid.

Mohd Tamyes said that the six tarekat groups gazetted are Al-Hasaniah, Samaniah Ibrahim Bonjol, Islam Muhamad SAW Habibullah Al-Hashimi, Zikrullah Hasan Anak Rimau and Naqsyabandiah Kadirun Yahya as well as Mufarridiah Ajaran Syeikh Makmun Yahya.


“Most tarekat orders gazetted have elements of worship or adoration for their teachers.

“It is not direct worship, but members of the congregation honour their their teachers too much as if equal with God,” he said, taken from Sinar Harian.

He said that the Selangor Mufti Department is proactively combating tarekat practices that deviate through complaints received and then it is investigated by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) research division.

He said that the Akidah Control Committee will examine each investigation outcome before a full paper is taken and discussed at the Selangor Fatwa Committee meeting.

“Tarekat practices will be gazetted as illegal if found to deviate from the teachings of Islam,” he said.


Pengarang :


Six tarekat groups in Selangor

SHAH ALAM, 28 May: Selangor has banned six tarekat groups that deviate from the true teachings of Islam, said the Mufti, Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid.

Mohd Tamyes said that the six tarekat groups gazetted are Al-Hasaniah, Samaniah Ibrahim Bonjol, Islam Muhamad SAW Habibullah Al-Hashimi, Zikrullah Hasan Anak Rimau and Naqsyabandiah Kadirun Yahya as well as Mufarridiah Ajaran Syeikh Makmun Yahya.


“Most tarekat orders gazetted have elements of worship or adoration for their teachers.

“It is not direct worship, but members of the congregation honour their their teachers too much as if equal with God,” he said, taken from Sinar Harian.

He said that the Selangor Mufti Department is proactively combating tarekat practices that deviate through complaints received and then it is investigated by the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) research division.

He said that the Akidah Control Committee will examine each investigation outcome before a full paper is taken and discussed at the Selangor Fatwa Committee meeting.

“Tarekat practices will be gazetted as illegal if found to deviate from the teachings of Islam,” he said.


Pengarang :