648 received Raya contribution from Sultan of Selangor for Sabak Bernam

SABAK BERNAM, 24 June: The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, presented Aidilfitri contributions to 648 recipients in Sabak Bernam yesterday.

The contribution was presented at the Sultan of Selangor’s Iftar With The People and the Sabak Bernam Hari Raya Contribution Presentation involving 17 needy, 273 poor, 200 new converts and 148 orphans.


Those involved are residents from several villages around Sabak Bernam.

Also accompanying Sultan Sharafuddin at the Al-Huda Mosque, Parit 13, Sungai Panjang, was the Chief Minister of Selangor, Mohamed Azmin Ali, several Exco members and Assemblymen, as well as other dignitaries.


Pengarang :


648 received Raya contribution from Sultan of Selangor for Sabak Bernam

SABAK BERNAM, 24 June: The Sultan of Selangor, Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah, presented Aidilfitri contributions to 648 recipients in Sabak Bernam yesterday.

The contribution was presented at the Sultan of Selangor’s Iftar With The People and the Sabak Bernam Hari Raya Contribution Presentation involving 17 needy, 273 poor, 200 new converts and 148 orphans.


Those involved are residents from several villages around Sabak Bernam.

Also accompanying Sultan Sharafuddin at the Al-Huda Mosque, Parit 13, Sungai Panjang, was the Chief Minister of Selangor, Mohamed Azmin Ali, several Exco members and Assemblymen, as well as other dignitaries.


Pengarang :