LZS: Join KTC and win the lucky draw


SHAH ALAM, NOV 16: Zakat contributors are invited to participate in Kempen Tambah Caruman (KTC), via a Salary Deduction Scheme (SPG), which is on from September until December this year.

Selangor Zakat Board (LZS) Collection Division’s Employer Department Head Wira Mustafa said that zakat contributors are encouraged to reassess their zakat contribution and make additional contributions through the SPG.

He said that this campaign is suitable for those already contributing through SPG, but have not reassessed their contributions for a long time.

“If previous deductions were RM50, perhaps it can now be increased to RM70, inline with salary increments.

“Those with side-incomes required for zakat, can also increase their contributions this way,” he said.

LZS will be organising a lucky draw based on computerized selection, to reward 100 KTC winners, latest by February 2017.

Wira said that the SPG method is not limited to zakat for income only, but is also offered for payment for other zakat as well.

“This is among our efforts to facilitate everyone in fulfilling their responsibilities and meeting the requirements of one of the pillars of Islam.

“With this, zakat distributions can be made consistently to those who are eligible,” he said.

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