Clean residence to prevent aedes


SHAH ALAM, SEP 13: Residents are advised to take the responsibility to clean their own homes to ensure its free from aedes mosquitoes.

Health, Welfare, Women and Family Development Exco, Dr Daroyah Alwi said that as it the most fundamental step to take for high-risk areas to be dengue free.

“That habit must be instilled from the grassroots, to involve all groups of people to be responsible for the cleanliness of their own homes.


“We welcome residents’ cooperation so that high-risk areas can be effectively dengue free,” she said at the 12 weeks Dengue Gotong-Royong Closing Ceremony and Taman Pelangi Merdeka Family Day in Semenyih recently.

At the same time, Dr Daroyah commended Taman Pelangi residents’ strong commitment in organising the gotong-royong continuously, eventually making their residences to be out from dengue hotspots.


“I am proud with the spirit of the locals who are making the effort to free their area from becoming a dengue hotspot. Now this area is clean and is no more a dengue hotspot,” she said.

She also advised the residents to carry out regular inspection and cleaning of water reserves.

Sources from the Malaysian Ministry of Health’s national dengue operation room, a total of 127 cases in Selangor were reported as of September 12 (yesterday) and the accumulated number of cases from January 1 until yesterday is 36,888.

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