In a photo taken on April 2, 2020 a cat sleeps on a counter at the closed 2 Cats cat cafe in Seoul. – Business has been devastated by the coronavirus outbreak, with South Koreans staying at home under social distancing guidelines, and tourism disappearing. But unlike other firms, animal cafes have to stay open so that staff can look after their stock. (Photo by Ed JONES / AFP)

吁与宠物保持距离   诺希山:免受冠病感染


诺希山说,有7种冠状病毒会感染人类,包括沙斯病毒(SARS)、中东呼吸症候群(MERS)病毒和Covid 19冠状病毒,因此民众应与宠物不要有过于亲密的接触。




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