CM: PAS Congress in Selangor prove Pakatan cooperation is strong

KUALA SELANGOR, 4 June: PAS’ decision to choose Selangor as the host for the 61st PAS Annual Conference proves the strong cooperation of the state Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that this can be seen when PAS selected Selangor as the organiser of the annual conference for the third time since 2008.


“The Selangor PAS welcomes the decision to hold the congress in Selangor. We also provided assistance and cooperation and this shows the PR in Selangor is solid, as stressed earlier by the PAS President.

“It is clear that the method and principle of tahaluf siasi should be maintained, nurtured and developed. We need to be fair to all parties,” said Mohamed Azmin.

He said this to Selangor Kini after Abdul Hadi delivered a keynote address for the 61st PAS Annual Congress at the Kuala Selangor Indoor Stadium today.

Mohamed Azmin also hoped that this conference runs smoothly without any untoward incident.

“To all delegates from outside Selangor, I welcome you to Selangor. Have a good congress and I hope for your safe return to your homes later on,” added Mohamed Azmin.


Pengarang :

CM: PAS Congress in Selangor prove Pakatan cooperation is strong

KUALA SELANGOR, 4 June: PAS’ decision to choose Selangor as the host for the 61st PAS Annual Conference proves the strong cooperation of the state Pakatan Rakyat (PR).

The Chief Minister, Mohamed Azmin Ali, said that this can be seen when PAS selected Selangor as the organiser of the annual conference for the third time since 2008.


“The Selangor PAS welcomes the decision to hold the congress in Selangor. We also provided assistance and cooperation and this shows the PR in Selangor is solid, as stressed earlier by the PAS President.

“It is clear that the method and principle of tahaluf siasi should be maintained, nurtured and developed. We need to be fair to all parties,” said Mohamed Azmin.

He said this to Selangor Kini after Abdul Hadi delivered a keynote address for the 61st PAS Annual Congress at the Kuala Selangor Indoor Stadium today.

Mohamed Azmin also hoped that this conference runs smoothly without any untoward incident.

“To all delegates from outside Selangor, I welcome you to Selangor. Have a good congress and I hope for your safe return to your homes later on,” added Mohamed Azmin.


Pengarang :